What Place for Music?

Die Geschichte einer Fahne
Juli 14, 2021
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Juli 25, 2021

I had the pleasure to be involved in this online discussion about the current situation of music in Europe by the EMC (European Music Council): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ldEw-0L_jJs

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The music sector is one of the hardest hit and at the same time it will be one of the sectors that can contribute significantly to the recovery, with its intrinsic power as an artform, its strength to be a tool for social and individual development and its economic force for jobs and growth. The opening discussion revolved around different political strategies on how to return to a vibrant music and cultural life, what frameworks are needed in order to do so and what are the concerns of the music and art sectors.

– Paulo Pires do Vale, Commissioner of the Portuguese National Plan for the Arts
– Barbara Gessler, European Commission
– Niklas Nienass, Member of the European Parliament
– Tere Badia, Secretary General of Culture Action Europe
– Moritz Eggert, Composer and President of the German Composers Union

– Audrey Guerre, Coordinator of Live DMA

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