Moritz Eggert

July 5, 2023

Schumann Spezial

Der “Schumann Spezial”-Podcast jetzt auch auf Deutsch:
July 5, 2023

“The Last Conspiracy”

Very positive English review of “The Last Conspiracy” by Colin Clarke of “Opera Now Magazine”
July 2, 2023

“Lied can fly” featuring Schumann and “Menschen bei Nacht”

In this english language version of Sabine Bergk’s Lied-Podcast we talk about Schumann. It also features a wonderful performance of my song “Menschen bei Nacht” bei Sophia Körber and Yun […]
June 19, 2023

My Generation

“I used to think that people who write „modern“ music are also modern and open-minded. But many suddenly perform astonishing U-turns, start defending Putin and Trump or warn of Germany […]
June 17, 2023

Zentaur-Quartett, CD debut (aDevantgarde-Records)

June 13, 2023

Currentzis in “Slipped Disc”

Currentzis ‘is a perverted trapeze act’, says top German composer
June 12, 2023

Open Letter to Teodor Currentzis

To remain silent about this war is a kick in the face of Shostakovich, Mr. Currentzis. To remain silent on this war is like pissing on Britten’s grave.
June 3, 2023

Lied can fly – podcast

Sabine Bergk’s Podcast about “Lied”, english edition with an Interview about our collaboration “Der weisse Garten” (The White Garden) for soprano and bassoon